Earn smarter with your Bitcoin

There are more things to do with your Bitcoin than just buying and holding. Be smart and utilize your BTC to generate additional revenue.



Utilize your Bitcoin better

BTCFi is a staking-alternative service for BTC. Here’s why you should use it.

A stablecoin secured by $1Tn MC of Bitcoin
Complete decentralizationA stablecoin backed by the most decentralized currency on the planet - resistant to censorship, manipulation and interference.

More stable than any other crypto-backed stableBitcoin’s resistance to fluctuation distilled into a stablecoin. Stronger peg, less chance of liquidation.
DecentralizedFully decentralized, fully transparent. Your BTC remains fully in your control. You’ll never have to worry about centralized entity utilizing your asset without your permission.
ConvenientStake BTC from various networks to use as collateral, made possible by Bifrost Crosschain technology. You can use BTC you own on any network to use BTCFi.